Thursday, July 19, 2007

3177 Stafford St!

We signed the lease and it is official! We are moving to 3177 Stafford St. Move in date is Aug 1 and I am super excited. It is an adorable townhouse and I will be living there with Sarah and Chelsea. I am already planning on how to decorate and use all the great free furniture that I have acquired. So now I just need to bust out the sewing machine and get going on curtains for our front room and then I can post some pictures.

Once we're set up you will be invited to our house warming party!


Melanie said...

oh! It's so so adorable! I love it. can I come to the party?

Taryn said...

i CAN'T WAIT to help you move and lug boxes. they don't call the me the ox for nothing.